In-Sung’s wedding day

“My duties as a father are just about done.” Those words were spoken by my boss, Kyu-Pal Choi, as we sat in his office on Friday afternoon, March 18, 2011. He said them because his daughter, In-Sung, would be tying the knot on...

A Luddite or not, I read

A couple of years ago, one of my brothers admitted with only the slightest embarrassment that he had not read a book since graduating from high school. His diploma was bestowed in 1976. In spite of that fact, he has done well. He lives in a...

Babs’ mis-step

In February 2011, I was back in Texas for the second time since moving to Korea. At the baggage pickup area of the Austin airport, I saw an imposing statue of Barbara Jordan. When the facility opened in 1999, the passenger terminal was...

Brian Ullom, M.D.

I met Brian Ullom in 1982 under circumstances that seemed to bode poorly for both of us. I was a dishwasher at the Capital Oyster Bar, and he worked for a small company that did cleanup of several establishments in central Austin. Perhaps five...

The 1998 Cowtown Marathon

My best days as a marathoner were in the past, I realized that. My PR (personal record) had taken place more than five years earlier, in the 1992 San Antonio Marathon where I had a time of 2 hours, 42 minutes, 48 seconds, and came in 15th...

My cousin Pat

If the truth is told, most families have elements of sadness and/or sorrow. Mine is no exception. One hush-hush story pertained to my father. He was driving to work on a dark and foggy morning in 1955 when his car hit a newspaper boy. He died...